Wednesday, October 18, 2017


This 2015 photo from South Carolina went viral after Mojo D's phone was hacked
by "pathetically sloppy Russians under the direct supervision of Donald Trump"

By Soren Bernyn

Amid allegations by Pres. Donald Trump that he sanctioned a season-ending hit on Village Green QB Aaron Rodgers, Corsairs' GM Mojo D replied "I will hit back soon, and it will be ugly." FSN caught up to Mojo D and Coach Jack White in Amsterdam's Schiphol airport. D added "T-Rump is still pissed about my 50-State Flip-Off Tour, and I am happy to get under that Cheetoh-colored skin any chance I get. But doesn't he have like 600 position to fill and a nuclear war to start? Get a grip, Donald."

When pressing Mojo D on the Rodgers allegations, Jack White stepped into the FSN reporter's space, rammed an index finger into the reporter's chest and snarled: "this is a rough game designed for big boys, and if some pussy-ass sissies can't handle that, they should scurry off to some f*cking ESPN bullsh*t league."
Team handlers then hustled the coach and GM into the Emerald Club. More on this breaking story as it develops.