Mojo D Talks About Week 3
By Soren Bernyn, FSN
In a shift from his previous modus operandi of rambling inanity during press conferences, Midtown Mojo owner/GM/coach Mojo D has taken to issuing a "media availability." You can listen to the "entire" 3:30 recording below -- in it, he addresses the Mojo's lackluster performance because of "piss-poor coaching" in week 2, and looks at this week's NFFA slate, including the inaugural game at the Mojo's Fat Tire Stadium. I toured the facility this week -- despite numerous construction delays and allegations of city-hall payoffs, it is a world-class stadium. The first ever, wind-powered ("we're off the grid, bitch!" were the only words Mojo D spoke on the tour), all-skybox venue in the NFFA.