her father to disband the 200-Point Club. FILE/AWP
Will set more exclusive standard to exclude ‘arrivistes’
By Ariel Mutha-Tafoya, Fantasy Sports Network
Days after East Nashville Coach Jim McMahon boasted of the possibility of a 400-point game between the Black Dogs and West Nashville Beelzebubbas, the two organizations that made up the NFFA’s “200-Point Club” were joined by two new members, the Midtown Mojo and Fidalgo Island Seahogs.
FSN learned early Wednesday that, in response, Co-Deputy Commissioner Cash Money plans to disband the 200-Point Club. Simultaneously, the league’s office will announce the establishment of a 220-Point Club, which will be the NFFA’s only “officially sanctioned organization for team point totals at this time.” The announcement, expected to be made by Commissioner William D. Money, could come as early as Thursday.
The new club would retain the Black Dogs and Beelzebubbas as its only members. The Bubbas set a new NFFA record earlier this season with 233.5 points in Week Two, eclipsing the mark of 231 set by the Black Dogs in 2006. The 220 threshold would also exclude the Mojo and Seahogs, who scored only 218.5 and 205, respectively, last week.
“It’s a blatant slap in the face, and we won’t stand for it,” said Homo Dodo, president of the Midtown Condominium Owners Association. “The peasants will march to the NFFA Tower with torches and pitchforks if we have to.”
Neither Commissioner Money nor his daughter Cash were available for comment on Wednesday morning. However, one source inside the NFFA offices said the impending move reflected differing agendas. “I think it’s safe to say that the commissioner believes the fact that the Seahogs and Mojo broke the 200-point barrier inherently debases the standard. He sees them as arrogant arrivistes,” said the source, who requested anonymity.
“I think, with Cash, it’s just a matter of hosing Bobber. Don’t forget, he enslaved her and her sister on his Love Boat.”