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President Trump fires back at reporter Woody Larry during Monday's press conference with Sen. Mitch McConnell. |
By Ariel Mutha-Tafoya
FSN Sports
During his press conference Monday with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, President Donald Trump accused rival NFFA owner Mojo D of paying a player to injure his team’s All-Star QB, Aaron Rodgers.
“I know he did it,” Trump said of D. “We have it all on tape. It’s all right there, and it’s huge.”
On Sunday, Rodgers suffered a season-ending collarbone injury following a hit by LB Anthony Barr. The injury arguably cost Trump’s Village Green the game last weekend, because Rodgers departed early after scoring just 1.8 points – more than 36 points below his average up to that point in the season. Moreover, the injury means that the Green must face Mojo D’s undefeated Corsair squad this weekend without their most reliable performer.
According to Trump, who had been in the process of answering a reporter’s question about Republican plans for a tax cut, Mojo D promised $1 million in bitcoin to Barr if he could “find a way to get Rodgers out of the game.”
Asked about his evidence for such a serious accusation, Trump replied that D’s entire conversation with Barr was caught on tape.
“Are you using the government to secretly record the conversations of other NFFA owners?” asked reporter Woody Larry.
“I didn’t say that,” Trump shot back. “I never said that. And to say anymore about it would expose sources and methods. Let’s just say we have great ears. We have the best, most tremendous ears.
“And if you’re suggesting there was something sinister going on here, you want to know what’s sinister?” Trump, now on a roll, continued. “Paying a player who’s not even on your team to injure our star. You know, this is a rough-and-tumble league, and I’m a big man. I know that players in this league sometimes get paid extra for going above and beyond when it comes to certain things. But to pay someone not on your team? That’s morally wrong.
“That’s just wrong, right, Mitch?” continued Trump, turning toward McConnell.”
“Sad, Mr. President. Profoundly sad,” replied McConnell, shaking his head.
Asked what his next step would be, Trump said, “We’re going to have a big announcement soon, maybe next week. You’ll see.”
Pressed for specifics, the president said, “As you know, our football team has the best president in the league, except for me — Dave Goodrow. By the way, he has told me what a tremendous job I’ve been doing since I came into the NFFA, probably the best ever. I said, ‘Goodrow, what do you think we should do?’ And he said, ‘I want to crush Mojo D.’ That’s where I will leave it. I said, ‘Goodrow, from your lips to God’s ear.’ ”