Focus on the Family's James Dobson thinks the new NFFA logo is 'Satanic'DOBSON BLASTS NEW NFFA LOGOBy R.E. Porter,
Associated Web PressAlthough the Nashvegas Fantasy Football Association`s new logo was unveiled yesterday with little fanfare, one leader of the religious right noticed and is mad as hell; literally.
"The stars on the new NFFA logo are clearly upside-down pentagrams, which is widely recognized as Satanic," Focus On The Family leader James Dobson said. "Plus, I spoke with the Pope and he is upset with the mangled Latin featured on the new logo."
The phrases "E Pluribus Mayhem," which loosely translates as "from many, mayhem," and "In Chaos Veritas," which translates as "in chaos, truth," appear at the top and bottom respectively of the gold and blue logo in the shape of a Celtic shield.
The offending words are mayhem and chaos, neither of which is Latin. Mayhem derives from Old French with its modern connotation via American English; and chaos is Greek, which the Pope found especially galling.
When reached for comment, Commissioner William D. Money said he liked the new logo, but insisted he was not directly involved in its development, which was subcontracted to a design firm. According to Money, a committee chaired by Boyd X. Biggs of the West Nashville Beelzebubbas supervised Daddy D Designs, the firm hired to redesign the logo.