By Bill O'Really, FAUX News
Fidalgo Island — The Sea Hogs and their fans gave thanks en masse at their annual Thanksgiving holiday dinner celebration on Fidalgo Island when word spread of a new quatrain from Sports Picks, Nostradamus' recently discovered book of sports predictions. The new quatrain is believed to predict a victory this weekend for Triki Bobber's Sea Hogs over Thurman Murrman's Alamo Scouts led by QB Ben Roethlisberger.
Given number 126 by Nostradamus (12th week, season six???), the quatrain reads:
After thanks is given at the holiday banquet,
The Trickster feasts on the pie Alamode,
Thur-Mur chokes on his Ruthless Burger, and
The "Bacon of the Sea" makes his belly explode.
Nostradamus was right last week when he predicted a Sea Hogs victory over the Bakers in his Quatrain 420. Does new Quatrain 126 predict another Sea Hogs victory? We will know for certain Monday night!