Bakers PR Director
NASHVILLE-- The NFFA wild-card race became even more dramatic after the 12th Ave. Bakers' defeat of the Jorge Division-leading East Nashville Black Dogs last night, setting up perhaps the wildest season finales in league history next week.
Bakers head coach Snoop Dogg collapsed immediately following the game and was taken later to a local hospital and treated for dehydration. He claimed to have been frightened all weekend by QCurl Sharif's claims of having been visited by the ghost of former Beelzebubba's coach and GM, Boyd X. Biggs.
"This shit has got to stop," said Dogg as he was being evaluated by trainers in the giddy locker room. "Shiva is always dropping some heavy scene on us every week ...my man QCurl has been accused of all kinds of atrocities, and yet we keep our dobber up and fight like hell every game.
"It's a tribute to the organization and to the Baker Nation. We'd especially like to thank our motivational coach Purple Owlsley this week for the air drop over the stadium ... I think the fans were trippin so hard by the fourth quarter that it intimidated Ray Rice."
Sharif was less circumspect following the victory.
"It wasn't Biggs; it wasn't Shiva; and it wasn't the acid," he said while riding the back of a yellow dragon south on 12th Ave., headed to a post-game party at the rollicking Cherry Bomb Cafe´. "It's just the fact that we dug our heels in and beat that ass."
Sharif was met by a pulsating mob thereafter and was last seen being led in a shimmering gold robe to mount a jewel-encrusted Egyptian barge. Some reports claimed he was embraced there by a high priest bearing a striking resemblance to the late Baker great, Steve McNair.