police headquarters at 4:30 a.m. this morning.
Coach booked on weapons charge after insulting Scouts fans
By R.E. Porter, Associated Web Press
Apparently, East Nashville coach Jim McMahon forgot he wasn't at the Cherry Bomb Café when he flashed a handgun last night at Fat Bubba Dog's Gentlemen's Club, one of the most popular nightspots in Alamo. Failed memory or not, McMahon was booked on a weapons charge and spent several hours early this morning in a holding cell at Alamo police headquarters before being bailed out by Black Dogs GM Buddy Ryan.
According to Dewayne Van Zandt, head bartender at Fat Bubba Dog's, McMahon and his party, which included two assistant coaches and three Black Dogs cheerleaders, arrived at the club at approximately 10 p.m. Almost immediately, McMahon caused a ruckus when he was informed that they did not serve Touchdown Tasers™ at Fat Bubba Dog's, but things calmed down when Van Zandt sent over a round of Grey Goose gimlets on the house.
Around 11 o'clock, McMahon left his table, went to the bar and started talking to some Scouts fans. Everything was friendly for awhile, as McMahon entertained the fans with some of his witticisms. He asked them if they had seen the story about "Nostra-dumbass" predicting a victory for Fidalgo Island against West Nashville this weekend in the "16th [expletive] century?" That got a laugh with some saying they had seen the story and a fan named Shorty asking, "[Triki] Bobber's criminally insane right?" McMahon grinned and nodded yes. Then the Black Dogs coach asked them what they thought of "Hojo D's recent rant?" The same Scouts fan said, "He seems insane, too." McMahon nodded in agreement and said, "No, [expletive]."
It was about that time, according to Van Zandt, that the situation turned ugly. McMahon asked the fans if they knew that Thurman Murrman and the Scouts are the Dogs' "McBitch?" Shorty, who is a 6'4", 240-pound construction worker, told the coach he "oughtta shut his mother-[expletive] McMouth."
McMahon laughed and said, "That's a good one, genius" then reached in the pocket of his jacket and produced a 44-Magnum. Shorty and the other fans quickly retreated from the bar as the coach slowly backed away, returned to his table and continued drinking Grey Goose gimlets as if nothing had happened.
Shortly before midnight, three uniformed Alamo police officers arrived at the club and approached the bar. After a few words were exchanged with Van Zandt, he pointed to McMahon and his party at the corner table. The officers then approached McMahon and — according to Black Dogs cheerleader Bambi — asked the coach for his handgun, which he calmly gave them. Then they cuffed McMahon and escorted him out of the club.
As he was being led away, McMahon turned and yelled in the direction of Shorty and his friends, "Yo, Einstein, we own your asses. 9 and 0 —that will be our all-time record against you bitches after this weekend."