By R.E. Porter, Associated Web Press
According to Faux News honcho Bill O'Really, Karl Rove was spotted in Nashvegas Friday evening at the trendy Cherry Bomb Cafe, sparking speculation that the departing "architect" of the Bush administration is eyeing a position with the NFFA.
O'Really reported Saturday evening that sources close to Rove confirmed he was in Nashvegas to meet with Commissioner William D. Money regarding joining the league as a strategic planning consultant.
O'Really spoke with head bartender Devlin Redd, who said Rove arrived at the club in the company of owner G.Q. Denney and Bakers PR director Faith Popcorn around 11:30 p.m. CDT. The trio immediately went to the bar and ordered a round of Touchdown Tasers™. What happened next is in dispute.
According to Redd, who last night confirmed to the AWP his account as first reported by O'Really, this is what happened: Shorty after Rove's arrival, East Nashville coach Jim McMahon, who had been at the club drinking for at least three hours, approached the trio brandishing a gun. Slurring his words, he said something about "taking one for the country" and pointed the weapon at Rove's head. Denney stepped between the two men and asked McMahon if he wanted to kill him, too? McMahon said no, then Denney whispered something in McMahon's ear and the coach returned to his party. At that point, Denney instructed Redd to send a round of Touchdown Tasers™ to McMahon's table on the house, then ushered Rove and Popcorn to a private lounge in the rear of the club. Later, Denney covered the tab for McMahon's party for the entire evening.
But McMahon, who recalled the situation this morning by telephone from his home on Eastland Ave., said he was "merely showing Rove the gun and welcoming him to Nashvegas." He went on to say that Redd was busy with some other customers when he went over to greet Rove and couldn't possibly have heard what was said. As far as Denney picking up his party's tab, McMahon said, "G.Q. is known for his generosity and that was just one more example of it." The coach added that he had "no idea" why Rove was in town.
Reached at his home in the 12th Avenue area this morning, Denney said he had "no memory of Rove being there Friday evening, or anything else about Friday."
Messages left on Money's cell phone were unanswered at press time.