weekly media circus, which is now being staged at the Cherry Bomb Café.
Labels Mojo as ‘Powder Puff Girls’
By Ariel Mutha-Tafoya, Fantasy Sports Network
In his weekly press conference Wednesday, East Nashville Black Dogs coach Jim McMahon suggested that the Midtown Mojo were about about to receive a rude awakening to the league.
“Let’s put it this way,” said McMahon, who this season has begun holding his weekly media events at the Cherry Bomb Café, “in Midtown they’ll remember this weekend as Bloody Sunday, and it will be just another day at the park for the Black Dogs.”
Asked if he shouldn’t take the Mojo more seriously, McMahon retorted: “Seriously, I’m looking forward to the opportunity to try them out as the Black Dogs’ new bitch. Our old bitch, the Ow-ow-ow-ow-Owlamo Scouts, I mean, the El-Lame-o Scouts, are boring.”
McMahon said that the team’s scouting efforts on the Mojo had not revealed much. “We were supposed to get tape from the Bakers from last week’s game,” McMahon said, “but instead they sent over DVDs of Midnight Express and Barbarella. You know, that Barbarella is a pretty good flick after you’ve had a few Touchdown Tasers™.”
Perhaps feeling the after-effects of those drinks, McMahon variously referred to the Mojo as “Mojo Gay,” “Marvin Gaye,” the “Powder Puff Girls” (an apparent reference to the team’s logo), and the “Ho-Jo’s.” Corrected by reporters, McMahon said, “Whatever. When the bitch slappin’s done, they’ll probably answer to whatever we call them.”