Monday, August 20, 2018

Prez goes on late-night Twitter storm

The first salvo in President Trump's tweets aimed at new owner Suzy Fine.

By Heywood Jablome
United Web Press International

BEDMINSTER, N.J.—“Pick a side Suzy Fine!!” was the curt tweet that came from President Donald Trump late Saturday evening.  

“This is your first year in the league and you name your team the god damn South Franklin Independents??? !”  tweeted The Donald soon thereafter. “This league doesn't like softie ownership that stays on the sideline and doesn't pick a side.”

In an early morning presser, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders released the following statement.

“Mr. Trump sees black and white in everything. The decision to name the new team the Independents did not please the President.”

Stuart Smalley
Village Green co-owner Dave Goodrow agrees, according to those in the know. Stuart Smalley, the Green's assistant coach stated, “When Goodrow and I played golf last week, he told me that he doesn't agree with the president’s politics, but he appreciates him picking a side.”  

This reporter agrees. Wasn't Trump a Hillary supporter in 2012? Should make for an interesting beginning to the 2018 NFFA season.