By Faith Popcorn
Bakers PR
Just hours after the 12th Avenue Bakers' loss to Fidalgo Island, the eighth straight of the 2011 season, Shiva has intervened on behalf of the team and embattled owner QCurl Sharif, lifting a highly publicized curse placed on Sharif and the players by Cambridge owner Dave the Animal.
"I feel like I have on no clothes again!" an elated Sharif stated from the Gold Club Porch on the back of the Cherry Bomb Cafe this afternoon. He was, in fact, wearing no clothes. "Shiva came to me in a dream last night and lifted the flaming Curlbaby from my arms and transformed him into Ganesha. I had to break out the good shit on that one. They told me the curse is ended.
"I must admit I've been a little uneasy about this thing. I mean me and Animal go way back and when he dons the hoodie and chants, it can get a little dark ... though we have picked up women that way before. I was pretty close to trading him Brady to stop this, but a few friends have asked me to stand strong, as has Amy, and then this dream thing, man. When Shiva weighs in, I got to listen."
The mood was festive at the Cherry Bomb, despite the 1-8 record. Fans have experienced Baker weirdness before, and the team's fortunes often seem to ride in tandem with otherworldly events. The Bakers host the Corsairs this weekend, a team tied for the second place in the Linardo Division.
"Two things — the Corsairs will surely lose, and Cambridge will suffer some form of ill effect with this," Sharif said, as Curlbaby ignited Touchdown Tasers for those gathered on the porch. "Shiva told me that he had been too focused on preparations for this year's Bacchanal, but now it was 'game on.' I just hope no one gets hurt."