Thursday, October 23, 2014


A convoy of trucks bearing the worldly possessions of the ex-Village Green drives to the team's new prairie home.

By Soren Bernyn
Fantasy Sports Network

Despite the Village Green's close victory over the Atlanta Smack Daddies in week seven, the team unexpectedly and quietly slipped out of Nashville under cover of darkness Monday night, much like the Colts leaving Baltimore in 1984. There were only scattered, tepid celebrations in the Village after their surprise victory, and even the Goodrow-A-Go-Go was subdued. Goodrow himself was hanging out at the back bar, and was overheard muttering "f*cking ingrates..."

Early Tuesday, a convoy of plain moving vans was spotted heading north on state highway 163 in Iowa - there were no visible markings on the trucks, but one driver was seen at a truck stop wearing the signature Village Green meggings.

The Green offices were empty, and owner Dave Goodridge was not available for comment, but it is reported that the team has established a new home near Ames, Iowa, USA. An unnamed source close to the team theorized that new Green Coach John Wayne beckoned Goodrow in his dreams to "build it, and he will come. The late victory sealed Goodrow's decision to follow his dream."

The team's unofficial home, the Goodrow-A-Go-Go (a gift to Goodrow from Dr. Jorge Linardo) was shuttered and dark, with a hand-written, blood-stained "condemned" sign on the door. But a hostess who identified herself as "Heaven Lee" stated on the phone that the "cash drawer is empty, the vault is empty, and all the drugs and liquor are gone."

More on this breaking story as it develops, but for now, it appears that the NFFA has now reached into the prairie heart of Amurrica.