Pacman Jones on the Bakers roster for the 2007 season.
By R.E. Porter, Associated Web Press
G.Q. Denney, owner of the 12th Avenue Bakers, is said to value loyalty above almost everything else. The AWP has learned the eclectic owner may be about to demonstrate exactly how much he values loyalty.
In a post on the league message board dated July 20, East Nashville Black Dogs coach Jim McMahon wrote: "As I understand it, G.Q. Denney will be keeping Vick and Pacman." The post would seem to suggest that in a sign of solidarity, the Bakers owner is at least considering using two of his four keeper positions to retain the two embattled players — one of whom is suspended for the season, the other facing a probable multi-year suspension, at best. As a close personal friend of Denney's, the Black Dogs coach is considered a reliable source.
Neither Denney nor McMahon was available for comment at press time.