By Bill O'Really, FAUX News
Fidalgo Island - - In the never-ending game of one-upmanship in the NFFA, owner Tirik Obobber trumped Mojo D's recent appointment of a new head coach with a surprise appointment of his own. Today at Sea Hogs headquarters on beautiful Fidalgo Island, Obobber made the surprise announcement that he was replacing Hillary Clinton as president and head coach of the Fidalgo Island Sea Hogs with football star and former Dancing With The Stars second place finisher Warren Sapp.
Sapp said he was pleased and proud to be the Sea Hogs new head coach. Said Sapp, "Afta dancin' wid dem stars, I kin do anytang!"
Obobber announced that he was replacing Clinton as a result of her being recently named as the new Secretary of State under President-elect Obama. Said Obobber, "Hillary's 4 - 9 record had nothing to do with her departure. A let-down record like that is to be expected after the Sea Hogs won the Championship Game last year. Regardless, I am very happy that my good friend Warren Sapp has decided to take over the helm. His recent experience on Dancing With The Stars will help us greatly. We will need his fancy footwork to get us through the end of the season, even though we won't be going to the Big Dance. There is no one more intelligent and articulate than Warren. If anyone can beat the MOJO this weekend to finish off the 2008 regular season with a win, it's Warren Sapp."