Nagurski Responds to Commish
By C.T.E Furall
Bikini Football League Gazette
Bronko Nagurski at Thursday Practice
Sylvan Goats owner Bronko Nagurski responded this afternoon to the controversy surrounding his team’s hoarding of quarterbacks in seeming effort to thwart the Cambridge Animals. We print his response in its entirely without comment beyond noting that Nagurski’s views do not represent those of NFFA News Wire or its affiliates:
“First, let me make clear I make no apologies. I also don’t drink blended whiskeys. More to the point: this is not a game for sissies or the stupid. Obviously the Animals won on a fluke last year. Goats would have beaten them 9 out of 10 times, same with the losers they beat in the finals, not that anyone even remembers who that team was! Anyone who goes into Tuesday with no active QB deserves to be sodomized with a pepper grinder, the really big kind they use in those fancy restaurants. I will do anything to win. Not only will I hoard players whenever possible, I will give your grandmother Covid. As for indigenous owners, I have it on good authority that “indigenous” derives from a Sanskrit word meaning “belonging to the soil,” so yeah, like I really give a shit what the dirtbag owners think! That’s entomology, bitches, and if you think I don’t know what that means, may a thousands wasps sting you in the dick!”
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