who will accompany his team to Fidalgo Island this weekend.
By R.E. Porter, Associated Web Press
Perched on a bar stool at fooBar, holding court Wednesday at his weekly media circus, East Nashville coach Jim McMahon called the NFFA's Linardo circuit, the "loser division."
McMahon's incendiary comment came midway through a freewheeling press conference in which the Black Dogs coach was clearly enjoying his team's record-setting 7-0 start.
"I want to congratulate the Black Dogs," he said in his opening remarks. "I just draw up the plays, they have to make them.
"I also want to congratulate our division rivals — the [12th Avenue] Bakers and [West Nashville] Beelzebubbas — as the only other teams to have a winning record at the halfway mark.
"Which brings me to our sister division, the Linardo division," he said, then paused to take a long drink from his Morning Glory margarita™. "If Jorge was dead, he would be spinning in his grave right now after the division that bears his surname failed to field a single team with a winning record over the first half of the season. That is an NFFA record of another sort.
"But Jorge isn't dead, and I saw him the other night at the Jojo A Go Go, where he told me he is completely disgusted with the Linardo division, except, of course, the [Midtown Mojo's] Pompatus [of Love], who worked for him when she was just out of college. He also said he doesn't take offense that I referred to the division as the Linardo subtraction, which is a point I naturally wanted to clarify with him, if you know what I mean.
"Anyway, I read somewhere we need only four wins to clinch no less than the number three seed in the playoffs, and I immediately gave thanks that our next four games are all against the loser division."
When Joe Biddle asked to clarify that the coach had called the Linardo division the "loser division," McMahon said, "Joe you may need to look into a hearing aid. What other division could I possibly be talking about? The Linardo division is the division that doesn't have a single team with a winning record. It should be obvious, even to someone with your limited intelligence."
Larry Woody of Tennesseeya News Service asked McMahon if he thought the Bakers would make the playoffs. "Of course," the coach said. "Hell, if the Linardo division winner didn't get in automatically, the playoffs would be just a Jorge divisional tournament."
When another scribe asked his thoughts on East Nashville's upcoming game on the Sea Hogs home field, McMahon said, "To Osama Obobber, or whatever his name is these days, I say, 'Para bellum.'" The coach then introduced members of the Tennessee National Guard who will accompany the Black Dogs to Fidalgo Island this weekend.
McMahon's incendiary comment came midway through a freewheeling press conference in which the Black Dogs coach was clearly enjoying his team's record-setting 7-0 start.
"I want to congratulate the Black Dogs," he said in his opening remarks. "I just draw up the plays, they have to make them.
"I also want to congratulate our division rivals — the [12th Avenue] Bakers and [West Nashville] Beelzebubbas — as the only other teams to have a winning record at the halfway mark.
"Which brings me to our sister division, the Linardo division," he said, then paused to take a long drink from his Morning Glory margarita™. "If Jorge was dead, he would be spinning in his grave right now after the division that bears his surname failed to field a single team with a winning record over the first half of the season. That is an NFFA record of another sort.
"But Jorge isn't dead, and I saw him the other night at the Jojo A Go Go, where he told me he is completely disgusted with the Linardo division, except, of course, the [Midtown Mojo's] Pompatus [of Love], who worked for him when she was just out of college. He also said he doesn't take offense that I referred to the division as the Linardo subtraction, which is a point I naturally wanted to clarify with him, if you know what I mean.
"Anyway, I read somewhere we need only four wins to clinch no less than the number three seed in the playoffs, and I immediately gave thanks that our next four games are all against the loser division."
When Joe Biddle asked to clarify that the coach had called the Linardo division the "loser division," McMahon said, "Joe you may need to look into a hearing aid. What other division could I possibly be talking about? The Linardo division is the division that doesn't have a single team with a winning record. It should be obvious, even to someone with your limited intelligence."
Larry Woody of Tennesseeya News Service asked McMahon if he thought the Bakers would make the playoffs. "Of course," the coach said. "Hell, if the Linardo division winner didn't get in automatically, the playoffs would be just a Jorge divisional tournament."
When another scribe asked his thoughts on East Nashville's upcoming game on the Sea Hogs home field, McMahon said, "To Osama Obobber, or whatever his name is these days, I say, 'Para bellum.'" The coach then introduced members of the Tennessee National Guard who will accompany the Black Dogs to Fidalgo Island this weekend.