Dog's Gentlemen's Club, the scene of his arrest two nights earlier.
Black Dogs coach returns to club after overtime win
By R.E. Porter, Associated Web Press
ALAMO, TEXAS — In a gesture of good will following East Nashville's come-from-behind, overtime victory against the hometown Alamo Scouts, coach Jim McMahon returned late Monday evening to Fat Bubba Dog's Gentlemen's Club where he had been arrested 48 hours earlier and bought several rounds of drinks for everyone in the house, the AWP has learned.
According to Black Dogs cheerleader Bambi Chester (who spoke only on the condition that her name appear in this story), McMahon arrived at Fat Bubba Dog's a little before midnight with an entourage that included several undercover East Nashville police officers. Although his appearance caused a stir in the club initially, Chester said he soon put everyone at ease by announcing loudly, "I come in peace, and bearing a platinum card. Drinks for everyone on me."
McMahon and his party were at the club for approximately two hours and stayed mostly to themselves, although several Scouts fans approached their table to offer congratulations on the Black Dogs win, the cheerleader said.
Reached on his cell phone this morning prior to the team's flight back to East Nashville, McMahon confirmed Chester's account of his visit to Fat Bubba Dog's and also expressed concern for Thurman Murrman. "When I looked across the field at Thurman after Favre threw the touchdown bomb to rally us to victory in overtime, he looked physically ill. I'm afraid he's going to have a nervous breakdown or something. Poor guy, can you imagine going 0 and 9 against someone. Four [expletive] years of defeat. And that on top of the church burnings."
Murrman could not be reached for comment prior to publication of this story.