Black Dogs coach barking at halftime of early Monday night game
By R.E. Porter, Associated Web Press
Coach Jim McMahon promised himself he wouldn't gloat if his East Nashville team extended its all-time record against Alamo to 8-0 this weekend. But by halftime of the first game of Monday night's doubleheader, he had broken his promise.
According to several eyewitness accounts, McMahon was "barking" and "woofing" at the Cherry Bomb Café last night during halftime of the Baltimore-Cincinnati game. By that point, the Black Dogs held a commanding 80+ points lead over the Scouts.
Faith Popcorn, 12th Avenue Bakers PR guru, said McMahon was "not only barking, he was yelling that Thurman Murrman is 'still our bitch, still our bitch' over and over." Popcorn added she considered such behavior "entirely inappropriate."
Head bartender Devlin Redd said he didn't consider McMahon's "woofing" that big a deal. "He had only had three Touchdown Tasers™ at that point. I've seen him far worse," Redd said. "For example, the night Jim and Boyd X. Biggs pulled handguns on each other in a dispute over whose bitch Thurman Murrman really was. It was like hyenas fighting over a dead impala. That emptied the club and cost me several hundred dollars in tips, so that was far worse."
According to McMahon, there's no question who owns the Scouts. "Give me a [expletive] break. Not only have they never beat us, we've scored more than 200 points on them twice." McMahon predicted the Black Dogs final score this week would be 190 points. If that is true, it will be the sixth time the franchise has scored 190 or more points. No other francise has done it more than twice and only two, the Fidalgo Island Sea Hogs and Atlanta Smack Daddies, have done it twice.